Curriculum Guidelines For Life Skills Based Education

EDLAB Admin · September 13, 2021

The School Education and Literacy Department has undertaken an initiative to ensure the provision of age appropriate Life Skills Based Education (LSBE) to adolescents and youth on a mass scale. To oversee this process, a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been set up for integration of LSBE into the provincial curriculum and to develop an action plan to take the integration process forward. The Department seeks to formalize the process and develop a set of guidelines that can serve as the foundation for various purposes. This document serves that purpose and provides concrete guidelines on a variety of topics that can be adapted into the textbooks for students from Class VI-XII. Additionally, these guidelines can also be used by the reviewers and trainers to ensure a comprehensive and all-rounded intervention. Due to the nature of the topic at hand, this is meant to be an evolving document. LSBE has an extremely broad scope; therefore, these guidelines will need to be added to, and edited, periodically to remain effective.
These guidelines are an adaptation of ‘It’s All One Curriculum’ i.e. which was
developed by an international working group and published by the Population Council, NewYork. The original document has been reviewed and adapted for the local use, keeping the social and cultural as well as religious sensitivities in mind. The SE&LD in collaboration with UNFPA organized a team of subject specialists and curriculum reviewers from public and private sectors to develop socially acceptable and contextually relevant activities that could be inserted in students’ textbooks of Languages
Science and Social studies from grades VI-XII. These activities are compiled in two separate booklets (1. Languages and Science, 2. Social Studies and Pakistan Studies). A comprehensive list of topics and activities subject wise and grade wise have been given in volume 2. document. The objective of It’s All One Curriculum is to provide a practical resource for curriculum development, particularly in the areas of gender, health, and human rights. It takes an integrated approach to these topics since research shows that young people’s social context, individual factors, and health outcomes are profoundly interconnected. Hence, this resource helps to think about and teach about a range of related topics — as one curriculum.

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