Short description:
This course is particularly designed to build an understanding about Down Syndrome amongst special
educators, shadow/remedial teachers and parents. This course will help the targeted audience to relate
the practices and theory conjointly while working with the children diagnosed or significantly depicting
Down Syndrome and its symptoms
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
● Learn about Down Syndrome and It’s concerns
● Identify the types, symptoms and causes of Down Syndrome
● Understand the diagnostic criteria and deficits for Down Syndrome
● Explore various therapies to deal with and manage children with Down Syndrome
About Instructor
Tooba Zafar Sial has done her Masters in Clinical Psychology with thriving practice. She has worked as a
Coordinator- Life Skills Education at Aahung holding rich experience in conducting trainings and
developing content on Gender equality as she has closely dealt with Sexual and Reproductive Health
(SRH) nuances for 2 years with communities and beneficiariesincluding minorities. Moreover, she has
served as a Mental Health Counselor at Listening Booth where she did therapeutic work with
adolescents collaborating with NED University, SZABISTand IBA. Working in Civil hospital, Institute of
Behavioral Psychology, and Umeed-E-Nau Clinics as Associate Clinical Psychologist counted in her
significant roles. She has been a trainer and workshop facilitator in trainings for caregivers, which mainly
focused on handling psychosocial well-being in adolescence and young adulthood with EDLAB. She has
also been an evident personnel in terms of online sessions and speakers including , various radio shows
on FM 91, 105, 107that were aim to highlight the significance of gender discrimination, gender equality
and child sexual abuse. She had also been trainer specialist for Karachi Down Syndrome Project (KDSP)
for Child Sexual Abuse training.
Course Content
About Instructor